Jonas Brothers: Nick Jonas watches 'Glee' without sound

We hear quite a bit these days about how certain stars are interested in appearing on "Glee" -- but how much do these same people talk about it? In the case of Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers, the answer is apparently "quite a bit."

In a new post on his Twitter account, Nick jokingly described an experience involving watching a certain episode of the hit show without sound:
"Creep-illy watched an episode of Glee over someones shoulder on my flight back to LA tonight. Glee+no sound= hilarious experience ... I think it was the episode when @msleamichele and Idina Menzel are singing from Les Miz. Awesome!"
Nick has a rather personal connection with "Les Miserables," having performed a number of shows of the musical in London over the summer.

Would you ever want to see Nick on an episode of the show?
