Miley Cyrus 7-inch spike heels make her wobble but they can be equally empowering

Miley Cyrus debuted jaw-droppingly high 7-inch heels on a recent visit to Madrid. The tween queen's Christian Louboutins were so steep, she needed a wall to steady herself as she descended a flight of stairs.

While heels in the past few years have soared as high as 5 or 6 inches, these 7-inch spikes take the cake. Even Cyrus, no stranger to high heels, had trouble walking in them.

"Hannah Montana star struggles to stay upright!" read the headlines in Europe. But before you tsk-tsk - The blisters! The wobbling! The torture! - consider taking a walk in Miley's shoes. Literally.

Sky-high heels, whether 7 inches or 5, are your friend, not your foe.

No one's suggesting you take a long stroll in them. But what better excuse than too-high heels to take an overpriced taxi? And if you're struggling on cobblestones, kindly men might pass by and offer to carry you across the street.

Your butt will never look better, and your legs will never look longer.

"You have more power in life when you're tall!" says stylist Robert Verdi, who outfits his celeb clients with soaring spikes. "So do yourself a favor and get a pair of heels."

Verdi says if you're sporting 7-inchers, you can forget your gym membership.

"If you're kind of lazy, and you're not really doing the gym thing, and you don't have perfectly toned legs, wow, does it
really change you!

"Heels are very flattering. That, in turn, boosts a person's confidence," he concludes. "And confidence helps you get laid. And in the end, that's what life is all about."


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