Justin Bieber's got a teen crush - on Cheryl Cole!

JUSTIN BIEBER may only be 16-years-old but the teen singing star is aiming high (literally).

In a backstage interview at 95.8 Capital FM's Summertime Ball, Justin Bieber said it would be fun to hook up with Cheryl Cole.

The pint-sized heartthrob shattered the hopes of his many girl fans when he said of Cheryl - who at 26 is a decade older than him: "She's got herself a nice looking bod.

"I met her the other day and she's looking gorgeous."

Cheeky Justin wrote about his comments on his twitter page, saying: "Just did an interview where they asked me if there was anyone I wanted to work with from the show's lineup... I said Cheryl Cole... of course [sic]"

He added: "I mean I heard Cheryl just became single... I mean aw cmon!! haha. Whatsup Cheryl? ;)"

But with dancer Derek Hough, and Black Eyed Peas' Will.i.am also at Wembley for the Summertime Ball (both have been romantically linked to Cheryl since her split from love rat Ashley Cole), The Bieb had his work cut out to get a look in.

But it looks like Justin - who performed some of his biggest hits and called on Sean Kingston to be his special guest - had plenty of fun anyway.

He wrote on twitter: "Just got to Wembley for the end of OMG and Usher pulled me on stage with him and Will.I.am. It was nuts!!! 70,000 people. I'm hyped!!!"

In the interview after the show with Capital FM DJ Roberto, Justin revealed his ideal first date would be in a hot air balloon, although he admitted: "It would be kinda awkward with the driver. Just me, the girl and the driver!"

And as for his first snog, he said: "I can't remember her name. It was at a school dance. It was kind of bad because it was my first kiss. I made a bet with my friends - first person to get a kiss gets ten dollars. So I slowed danced with this girl and then just went in.

"Back then I was just a regular hockey playing kid so I was lucky she kissed me back!" Aww


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