Justin Bieber Jonas Brothers Feud

Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers are reportedly not getting along. Earlier in the week, Miley Cyrus received a number of prank calls. She thought that her number had been given out to a fan, and ended up canceling her number. Before he did so, Bieber told Cyrus (posing as someone else) that he wanted to fight the Jonas Brothers.

Now, keep in mind, Bieber is a good 6 inches shorter than any of the Jonas Brothers, who would likely mop the floor with the small pop star. He is a good singer, but that definitely does not translate into fighting well.

The Jonas Brothers and Bieber have met previously, which makes his recent outburst even more awkward. However, the group and Bieber have exchanged shots before in the media, as the Jonas Brothers have publicly made fun of name “baby” on several different occasions. It is assumed that Bieber does not actually want to fight them, and instead used their name to get a rise out of Miley Cyrus on the phone.

However, Cyrus was not all that pleased that Bieber was prank calling her. He had forgotten about the time difference, and had called her int he middle of the night when she was sleeping, rousing her from her beauty sleep.

The joke that he made on the phone would have gone unnoticed had there not been rumors that there was a rivalry between the Jonas Brothers and Bieber for quite some time. The Jonas Brothers were the hottest group with the current demographic of Bieber fans several years ago.


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