Taylor Swift Reveals She Loves Australia And Tim Tams!

Taylor Swift is in Melbourne today getting ready for her big show at Rod Laver Arena tonight.

She's been twittering about her visit to Australia and from the sound of it Taylor has fallen in love with our cities, beaches and even the food!

One tweet said:

"Sydney, Australia.. You just stole my heart."

Swift posted the below photo from a beach in Melbourne to her Twitter page last night with the caption "Before we all took our shoes off and ran..."

When take40.com spoke to Gloriana, the US country rockers on tour with Taylor, they told us a few things about her.

"She does love Tim Tams, she had them on the bus the other day," they said.
Taylor even said it herself via Twitter saying that her and a friend were discussing "how caramel Tim Tams have changed our lives."

The gang from Gloriana also told us Taylor Swift doesn't do anything to her hair to get it perfectly wavy.

"We were talking about hair and she's (Taylor) like 'oh my gosh how do you get your hair so straight?' and I was like 'how do you get yours so curly because I wish that mine was like that?!'...and she's like 'oh mine's naturally like this I don't even use hairspray.'"

So there you have it girls... Taylor Swift does not use any products to get her hair looking lovely like that!

Taylor and Gloriana play in Melbourne tonight before wrapping up the tour in Adelaide on Friday.


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