Just got back from some cool places...(photo blog)

Hi guys :)

We just got back from Australia and Japan. I won't ever forget the people. Or the sky.

(Al took this picture in Brisbane.)

The Opera House in Sydney... That city sparkled.

I remember last year when we were in Australia for the first time, we went to go see a Coldplay concert on one of our days off.
It was at the giant arena there, and I remember thinking "Wouldn't it be amazing if someday down the line, we could play in this arena?"
Playing two nights in that arena less than a year later was something I'll never forget. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Sydney.

I met Liz in a meet and greet line a few years ago. Now she's my back up singer. And we have FUN!

I was walking in Brisbane, listening to music. And then I saw this tree, all by itself. 
It looked so lonely, I thought I'd give it some attention and take a picture of it. 
It's probably not lonely though. It's probably just independent.

I love sparkly things. Like crowds that look like this.

This kind of thing happens to Caitlin all the time.

Hiiiii guys!!!

A few hours off in Melbourne = beach.

Me, Grant's hair, and Caitlin.

Lacey, Liz, Charity, Claire. 3/5 of the girls in this shot are skilled, trained dancers. The other two are trained in frolicking.


I really liked that day.

My producer sent me this picture of the moment I'll never forget. I love you guys for making my life into this.

We were like "Woah. That is a GIANT bath tub. Let's see how many of us can fit in it for a picture." Four.

Anger! Drums! Battle! Hair!

We played 7 shows in 9 days in Australia. The fans gave us lots of awesome presents. My mom seemed to like this one.

(Those are tiny koalas hanging from the hat.. It's all about the fine details. What a work of art.))

Then we went to JAPAN!

Find the photo bomb. Go!

(Discovering unexpected guests in the background of my pictures upon upload = a new hobby for me.)

This was a restaurant where they shot a fight scene from Kill Bill. We all watched it again beforehand to properly prepare.

We all really liked it there.

The show in Tokyo was unbelievable and the fans were so welcoming to us, everywhere we went. I loved the presents and the letters. I can't wait to go back and play more shows.

I saw these fabric flowers in a store and thought, that's so incredibly lovely.

It was Valentine's Day. Tokyo was my Valentine.

Then we got on a plane. It was the first time I'd seen home in close to a month.

I've been writing lots of songs. And the tour is starting up again soon in the US. I love you guys.



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