Miley's Great Day

Miley Cyrus must have missed twitter! But, she still is covered up online through her blog posts. Check out her latest blog post from her site which is entitled, "A great day!"
Had an awesome day! Slept in until my puppy Mate woke me up with kisses @ 10:30! I sat outside for an hour drinking coffee with my dad, mate, and his doggy tex! Daddy and I caught up on so much stuff! It was so refreshing to enjoy the LA sun with my papa! After that I got ready and drank MORE coffee with my friend Scott and then met up with our friend Fisher and did some shopping!!! I love WEHO! It was so awesome to take Mate out and about and have a day just chillin with the ones I love! Its so great that Mate is a puppy so I can tae him everywhere but it won’t be long until he’s his full size! He’s a german shepard and will get up to 125 lbs! Ahhh! It’ll be a bit more difficult to fit him in my Prius haha! Now I’m at dinner with my dad, Braison, Noah, and Liam! This day has been the best one in a while! Xoxoxo

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