Demi Lovato Grows Up

2009 really put Demi Lovato in the spotlight: her second album sold more than 100,000 copies in America (!) and she worked with big names like the Jonas Brothers and John Mayer. But comfort with success hasn't always come easily for Demi.

Demi revealed she used to do whatever other people told her, without really considering what she wanted. She explained, "In the first movie, [my character] didn't really know who she was. Which is funny because that's how I felt when I shot the first movie too." Demi felt nervous about showing her true personality by dying her hair dark black or wearing red lipstick. "In the second movie my hair was darker, my character was more confident, and so was I."

Now Demi takes that confidence and channels it into her music. She talked about her opportunity to work with John Mayer: "I wasn't really intimidated meeting him, I was intimidated working with him," she admitted. As they worked together longer, "I got less intimidated, and was giving more of my input and not really being afraid to say what I felt and if I didn't like the lyrics I'd be like, 'Listen John...Sorry these aren't working out for me,' " she said jokingly.

In 2010 Demi will enjoy the spotlight with the confidence she gained in 2009: "It doesn't matter the size of the audience whether it's thousands of people or hundreds as long as I'm playing music I'm having the best time ever."


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