One Direction Explain Why They "Can't Have Friends Who Are Girls"

one direction girlfriendsThis is why we can't have nice things. Or why One Direction can't have friends who are girls...and not girlfriends, anyway. It's kind of the same deal.

In a recent interview, the 1D guys dished on why it's so hard to just have platonic friends who happen to be girls because rumors inevitably start floating that they're dating the girl.

We imagine it's pretty annoying, right?

When asked about the speculation that surrounds the guys when they hang out with a woman, Niall Horan told Dolly magazine, "Yeah, it can be frustrating at times - we can't really have friends who are girls if I'm being honest...but you know people have a job to do."

Dang, Nialler. And you have a life to live, if only you could do it without living under a microscope sometimes.

via Source