Don't expect to see Shailene Woodley Instagramming anymore. Although the Divergent starlet has 20,000 followers, she recently erased all of her photos after the social media photo sharing app "felt disgusting."
"Everything I was posting was for a story - like, 'Look how interesting I am.' It felt disgusting to me," she explains in the April issue of Marie Claire magazine. "We're all such narcissists, and that's what social media caters to. Our society conditions us to be our own planets, which is great. Independant thinking is so important. But we expect everyone around us to be our moons."
Other interesting tidbits we learned about the actress in this article is that she didn't have her first kiss until 15 and a half and she's not sure whether monogamy is realistic. "I just haven't met anyone where I was like, 'Wow, I could definitely see myself spending a season of my life with you.' I don't even know if humans are genetically made to be with one person forever," she says.
What do you think of Shailene's comments?