Did Ariana Grande get a boob job?
Nah. She did joke about it in a new Instagram video though, showing off her...um...assets while commenting "Oh my god, guys...Ariana Grande got a boob job."
Then she revealed the secret to her success: a Victoria's Secret push-up bra.
In another video Ariana posted to Instagram, she gave fans some helpful suggestions for things to do besides fight with each other on social media.
That includes the suggestion to "get a life."
Hey, she's not wrong.
Meanwhile, Ariana is being sued for copyright infringement by The Jimmy Castor Bunch, who claim her song "The Way" is similar to the 1972 song "Troglodyte."
Specifically, the lyric, "What we're gonna do right here is go back, way back, back into time," which the lawsuit claims steals from the 1972 song.
According to the lawsuit, "The phrases are strikingly similar and would be obvious to a lay listener."
Ariana's song is under fire for rhythm and style similarities and the "similarity of the words, vocal style, and rhythm are clear indicators that 'The Way' is copying Troglodyte".
A legal rep for Ariana told ABC News, "The alleged offending material were not provided by Ariana and we trust that the co-writers and producers will resolve the claim with Minder."