Uh-oh. Carrie Underwood took a fall on stage and is hurting!
Watch the video below to see what happened.
The lovely and graceful Carrie took a spill during her Corpus Christi concert and lived to tweet the tale.
No worries--even though Carrie's stage fall during "Undo It" was captured on video, she carried on with the song--like a pro.
Carrie tweeted: "Hey, remember that time in Corpus Christi when that girl busted her butt on stage?! Hilarious! Oh wait, that was me! #5inchheels #klutz
She followed it up with: "I can't move my toes. Is that bad?"
Carrie tweeted her new fashion accessory and gave an update on her injury, writing, "Good news, it's not broken...AND I got some new footwear!"
Pal Brad Paisley teased her about being drunk on stage, writing, "@carrieunderwood At least I wasn't drunk. :)"
Her response? "You know I don't drink on stage! I'm uncoordinated enough as it is!"
Carrie joins the ranks of Demi Lovato, who has taken her fair share of stage falls.