Best sweet sixteen birthday party ever?
Justin Bieber surprised Erica Shnaider at her sweet sixteen birthday party Saturday night at the Art Gallery of Ontario.
"Most unreal night of my life..I don't even know what to say..." she posted on Twitter after Bieber showed up to celebrate with her.
"@justinbieber I don't think I could ever thank you enough."
Her friends that were at the party with her tweeted about the Biebs being there too.
"thank you so much @justinbieber for making erica's birthday so awesome!!!! #torontolovesjb #justinbieber :)," one attendee posted.
Not only did Justin sing to the birthday gal but he also reportedly slow danced with her too!
"I CAN'T BELIEVE JUSTIN SLOW DANCED WITH @EricaShnaider," another person at the party posted on Twitter.
So how did Erica get this lucky? Money! Her dad is Toronto billionaire and entrepreneur Alex Shnaider. There's talk this birthday party was taped for MTV's My Super 16.
We're actually surprised Bieber showed up and performed at the girl's party. He's been a little secluded and private lately...he hasn't gone to like any awards shows! He DID party it up in Toronto over the weekend though and a guy attacked and robbed him! Read about that here.
What would you do if Bieber showed up at your party?!