Is there beef between One Direction's Harry Styles and upcoming singer Austin Mahone?
Right after the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night, Harry tweeted something that many took as a total diss to Austin.
"@IGGYAZALEA should've won last night..," he posted.
Rapper Iggy Azalea was up against Austin and some others in the Artist to Watch category at the awards show and Austin ended up being crowned the winner. When Harry sent out his tweet, it was obvious he thought Austin didn't deserve the win, and that's pretty much how Austin took it.
"Wow just found out what @Harry_Styles said!! 😕 #imstilladirectioner," Austin posted on Twitter Wednesday afternoon.
Aww! We can't help but feel kind of sorry for him! That was a little mean and Kanye West-like of Harry to say that! Maybe he's just jealous because Austin's just as gorgeous and talented as him?...or maybe because he's friends with Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift?
What do you think is up with Harry's tweet? Was he just being honest or being rude? Do you think Austin deserved the award? Chime in!