We already heard murmurings awhile back that Ke$ha was crushing on Harry Styles.
Did her text exchange with Harry go anywhere though?
Thankfully, Sugarscape.com asks the hard-hitting questions, getting to the bottom of Ke$ha's infatuation with Harry.
When asked about texting Hazza, Ke$ha says, "I'm just a fan. I think he's an attractive young man and that's really all I can say. I mean...he reminds me of a young Mick Jagger. I dunno, there's something about that mouth."
She added, "I mean we were texting because we have, like, some mutual friends and blah blah blah, but it was nothing sexual."
When asked if Harry took a dirty pic for her, she said, "Haha. Oh my God, no. I wish he did. I'd like him to."
Later in the interview, Ke$ha was asked if she's ever sent a dirty photo to anyone, and she said no, adding, "I'm a virgin, yup. I'm saving myself for Harry Styles."
And lest you think she is just infatuated with Harry, she did say she's met him and likes One Direction, explaining, "Yeah, I've met him briefly. He's so cute, ah. I like them all, I'm just not on a first name basis with them yet. I just like Harry 'cause he looks like Mick Jagger and he's cute."