Justin Bieber Ticks Off Hockey Fans After He Touches Stanley Cup

When NBA fans aren't mad at Justin Bieber, NHL fans are!

Bieber recently upset hockey fans when this year's champs, the Chicaco Blackhawks', marketing guy, Peter Hassen, posted a picture online of the pop star posing with and touching the Stanley Cup. As if that wasn't bad enough, a personalized "Bieber" Blackhawks jersey could be seen in the background of the pic too!

We aren't really sure why hockey fans got so upset over Bieber's hockey pic but we're guessing it's because of the Stanley Cup's historical significance and that not just ANYONE is allowed to see it and touch it. Oh, and the indoor sunglasses and typical Bieber #1 pose, didn't help him much either.

We honestly don't think the picture of Bieber and the cup is that big of a deal. Afterall, Justin IS a huge hockey fan! But we get it, he should've kept his hands off!
