What did you expect -- chess matches and intense political debates? Singer Jeremy Greene says life on the road as an opening act for Justin Bieber is a big old party, complete with Segways, water guns and practical jokes. But he's also blown away with the 16-year-old pop sensation's sheer talent.
Want all the dirt, Beliebers? Read on for the dish from pop-R&B powerhouse Greene, and for more on just the "Rain" singer, visit www.myspace.com/jeremygreene
UsMagazine.com: How does it feel to be part of Justin's tour and opening for him?
Jeremy Greene: It's kind of crazy to have that opportunity. How it came about is Sean Kingston is a friend of mine and he's trying to sign me because he wants to work with me, so he invited me. It's been pretty crazy.
US: How is it playing to a crowd of screaming girls?
JG: I love it. It's really weird because we did a show, just Sean Kingston and me, in Portland, Maine and the crowd was wrapped around the building twice. I went from no one knowing who I was to people now starting to realize who I am. It's very surreal. It's fun and I wouldn't trade it for the world, but it gets a little weird.
US: Now that people are recognizing you more what's the craziest thing a fan has done?
JG: I have had people show up in front of my house and sit out front for like a couple hours at a time, which really creeps me out. I will see people standing in front of my car taking pictures holding up peace signs. I'll be like 'that's my car!' Sometimes I don't think fans realize how weird they come across, but you know a lot of it is just kid stuff so it's not a big deal.
US: Do you connect with your fans on Facebook or Twitter?
JG: Oh yeah I am on my Facebook, MySpace, Twitter all that stuff. I do it all myself because I like to interact with people. I am a real people person but sometimes it gets real weird... older women freak me out sometimes. The weirdest thing that's happened is that my friends mother, who doesn't really know me and probably wasn't aware I was friends with her daughter, tried to kiss me! It was someone's mother!
US: So what's it like backstage before the show? Like how long do rehearsals usually take for you and Justin? Do you guys ever rehearse together or is it always separate?
JG: No, everybody does their own separate rehearsals. I am sure Justin always kind of rehearses first and then Sean and the openers kind of do their thing. It's kind of like the totem pole. When you get to Justin's level he kind of does what he needs done and everybody else gets their pick of times. The kid is super talented it's ridiculous! It's just ridiculous that he's that young and that talented but that goes to show you he's a star. Legitimately a star.
US: What impresses you most about him?
JG: Kids needed a Justin Bieber, because the Jonas Brothers weren't it. Realistically, they had their time and now its done and over with. But what's make Justin so dope is that he has like an urban vibe. He plays the drums and plays all these instruments. He is a star, and you cant really mold a star...Justin Bieber is star, Justin Timberlake is a star, Beyonce is a star. Those type of people are stars and born that way. I think the kid came out of the womb with a microphone.
US: And do you guys hang out a lot?
JG: Well, I haven't got a chance to get out there with them yet. I am heading out on December 9th but everyone is telling me to pack up water guns.
US: Uh oh. Yeah, I heard he is a prankster.
JG: Yeah. Everyone is like 'get water guns and lock your tour bus.' So yeah. I am just excited. The whole thing is going to be really sick and a lot of fun. We've done a bunch of shows with him so far and it's just been insane.
US: I hear there is a lot of Segway action going on backstage?
JG: Yeah.. the kid has a Segway yeah. Kid drives around on a Segway. Everyone is telling me there is like 30 Segways back there.
US: I was going to ask you how many were back there and do you plan on riding them too?
JG: Absolutely not. Sounds like a hazard.
US: What can you tell us about Justin that fans don't already know about him? What would we be completely surprised about this kid that we have no idea?
JG: The kids got a book! He was on Skype talking to fans, he does that stuff. He's just a likable person. He puts his business out there. I do the same thing though, It's bad. When I am broken up with my girlfriend or she does something bad I put it up on Facebook, I am ridiculous. I just feel like someone is listening.
US: How often has Usher has popped up on tour?
JG: I think he has been out there like 3 or 4 times.
US: What's that like? What is he like to be around?
JG: I haven't really had a chance to be around Usher because he dips in... dips out. Like, Justin's camp kind of keeps to themselves.
US: Are there snack foods that are always backstage?
JG: They have five chefs out on this tour. That's the best part. It's like gourmet food too. There is all kinds of food everywhere. It's like, if Jesus was a buffet he'd be on Justin Bieber's tour.
US: I think I read somewhere that will.i. am discovered you? Is that what happened?
JG: Yes. will.i.am discovered me. I was in Atlanta recording and my cell phone broke, so my manager sent me one and I put the sim card in and there was one cell phone number in there. I swear to you, it said will.i.am. Everybody said not to call it and I said 'I am absolutely calling it!' So I called him and was like 'hey you don't know me, but let me sing to you over the phone, and if you don't like what you hear I will never bother you again.' So he let me sing to him over the phone and he said 'hey I really like your voice. I am coming to a show in Portland, Maine with the Pussycat Dolls, and I want to meet you.' So I went and met him. I sang for him and Fergie live and they were really impressed. He brought me out to LA and I started working in the studio with everybody and he offered me a deal and wanted to manage me. At the time I made the wrong decision by going with Joe Simpson as a manger and I passed on Will's deal, which I kind of regret because Will is a genius. I regret that because if Will comes around and offers another situation I am taking it.