Taylor Swift & Justin Bieber Battle It Out for Bowling Hall of Fame Fan Votes!

Okay, Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift fans — if you want your favorite star to be inducted into the Bowling Hall of Fame, you better get your vote on — and soon! The two young musicians are currently neck-and-neck in the voting process.

It’s the first time the BHOF has opened up the celebrity induction process to fan votes. More than 1.2 million votes have been cast at gobowling.com since July 12, and as it stands now, Taylor has 599,459 to Justin’s 600,738.

National Bowling Week (July 31 to Aug. 7) marks the final week of the online vote — and OK! is proud to say we’ll be announcing the winner exclusively in the Aug. 23 issue!

So if you want to see T-Swift come out on top or have the Biebs bowl a strike by getting into the hall of fame, cast your vote now!


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