Justin Bieber Not Innocent: Drops the F-bomb

teenage heart throb Justin Bieber, might be losing his appearance of innocence. To young teenage girls, Justin Bieber is a symbol of innocence but recently at an Australian morning show Sunrise Justin Bieber dropped the F-Bomb. This happened when the stage manager was showing Bieber where to stand for the song he was going to sing. And an accident led the stage manager to touch teenage heart throb Justin Bieber, Beiber reacted for he didn’t want the manager touching him and dropped the F-Bomb in that situation. Everyone backstage heard the teen.

Everyone was disappointed on how the teenage heart throb Justin Bieber acted when it happened. The host of the show “Sunrise,” David Koch, previously referred to Bieber as a nice bloke. But now he went on to say that someone should “slap” Bieber for his behavior. Justin Bieber denied the allegations. He insists he was raised properly and in a way that he knows how to respect his elders and others. He reported his side of the story on a networking site. Beiber also stated that he has been taught not to respond to lies and gossip. He believes this is just a part of the adult’s job and that his friends and family know what kind of person he is. Anyone can slip a few bad words when the situation calls for it so there’s really no issue in this manner.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeez! I know ten-year olds who swear and have boyfriends! Surely if a 16 year old swears when an adult does something he doesn't like, if it's an accident- which it seems to be- it's no issue!!!