The Scientific Reason You're In Love With One Direction and Boybands

One Direction boyband science explanationBoyband lovers, take note. There's a reason we're so completely infatuated with One's science. We can think of a lot of totally reasonable explanations for why we just can't shake the guys from our brains for the better part of every single day - but we never even considered the scientific possibilities.

Relationship therapist Paul Hokemeyer set out the deets in Women's Health, explaining why we tend to be drawn to a certain type of band, like, forever: "This has to do with neuroplasticity and the way our brains crave the pleasures of our past. If your brain was imprinted with a pleasurable cause and effect, it will desperately hold onto that memory recall. We stick to what works."

Further, he added, "The members of these boy bands are testosterone incarnate. They've been hand-picked and cultivated to represent the ideal mate."

And to think, we have Simon Cowell to thank for that. We are forever grateful, Si.
one direction dancing gif

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