Taylor Swift Finally Unveils Her "Bad Blood" Music Video

Taylor Swift's Bad Blood music videoThe "Thriller" video of our days? You bet! Taylor Swift just dropped her highly anticipated "Bad Blood" music video, and it just gave Michael Jackson's infamous movie from back in the day, a serious run for its money.

Tay's epic reveal went down at the 2015 Billboard Music Awards Sunday night as promised. The badass video stars every famous person you can imagine...except Harry Styles and Katy Perry, of course. And did we mention there's a freaking Kendrick Lamar remix involved?!

In it, Taylor totally busts out her inner Kill Bill. It's futuristic like we expected, and ALL of the girls look kickass hot. We didn't think it was possible to be her craziness in "Blank Space"...but we wrong. Pretty much ALL of Twitter agrees with us, too. We'll post Tay's "Bad Blood" music video in full as soon as it becomes available online!

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