Tattoo Artist Reveals Why Harry Styles and Ed Sheeran Got Pingu Tattoos

Harry Styles and Ed Sheeran matching tattoos pingu
The Harry Styles and Ed Sheeran bromance is bound by ink - of a tiny cartoon penguin named Pingu. Ah...guy love. Have you ever wondered how Harry and Ed decided on that cartoon to seal the deal?

Ed's tattoo artist, Kevin Paul, recently dished on how old Pingu came to be the adorable little symbol of their undying friendship. Turns out it's not as thoughtful and bromantic as you'd imagine. Shucks. There was some drinking involved, however.

Kevin explained to The Sun, "When he and Ed were drunk they discovered they both liked Pingu as kids, so one had the word and the other had the picture." That would be Ed with the illustrated Pingu ink and Harry with just the word - practically in his armpit, of all places.

As for the little padlock tattoo that Ed gave to Harry? Kevin said he played a part in it, explaining, "That was with my machine. I showed him how to do it."

harry styles and ed sheeran pingu tattoos

harry styles ed sheeran matching tattoos meaning

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