Meghan Trainor Calls Song With Harry Styles 'Very Special,' Teases Release

Meghan Trainor Harry Styles song duetSomeday we might hear that Meghan Trainor and Harry Styles song collaboration, but it sounds like we'll never actually hear a Meghan and Harry duet. Sadface.

Yes, they wrote a beautiful song together called "Someday Maybe," but, according to Meghan, someone else will be singing it. But why? We really wanted to get a listen to how Harry and Meghan would sound together!

Meghan did call the song "very special" during a recent interview with E! News, saying, "I can't wait for that song to be out. I don't know who's going to sing it. I want it for myself but I don't know who I'm going to sing it with yet."

Um...why not Harry?

Meghan added that she "can't wait for everyone to hear it." We can't wait either!

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