While Tay-lurking on Tumblr, T-Swift found out that Jill, one of her biggest Swifties, was going to be at the Grammy Awards show on Sunday night. The singer asked her fan where she was going to be sitting with a hopeful promise that they'd meet up.
Midway through the event, Jill saw Taylor and her peeps talking amongst themselves in the crowd. That's when Tay's publicist noticed her, and Taylor's amazingness shined like no other.
Jill explained it all on her Tumblr page writing, "She went up to a lady with an earpiece and the lady wrote something down on a piece of paper and then went to talk to [the publicist] Tree Paine. All of a sudden, I looked to my right and I see a man and Tree standing in the aisle and I stood up and screamed. Tree told me to come with her."
That's when Taylor's publicist led the fan backstage to the VIP area. Tay was sitting there waiting for her to arrive.
"She sprung up from her seat and shouted, "Hey Jill!" I told her how beautiful she looked and she said, "GIRL, look at your dress!" She told me I looked great, before asking me who my date was and telling me we looked like a great couple," Jill added.
She also got a serious selfie lesson from Taylor. She said that after they snapped a pic, Tay asked her to take another one because she looked "creepy."
Of course, this moment made Jill's life. She's not the only one Taylor's hooked up, either. She just sent a fan a signed guitar and personalized selfies, and has even showed up to some of their homes for surprise visits before.
We'll just add this one to our long list of reasons why we love T-Swift...
via Source