Justin Bieber Reportedly Abandons His Adorable Puppy

Justin Bieber puppyKarma is coming for you, Justin Bieber . The singer has reportedly ditched his adorable American Bulldog puppy Karma, and left her with a trainer for over nine months now. Needless to say, the trainer isn't happy about the situation and wants Bieber to pay up.

According to The Sun, Trevor Dvernichuk has been taking care of Justin's Christmas present puppy since he first dropped her off months ago, and now the Biebers refuse to answer their phones...or pay for the services. What gives?

"This is like taking your kid to school and not picking it back up," the trainer told the magazine. "Karma is gonna bite you in your ass Biebers," he posted on Facebook.

The trainer says that Karma is the best behaved puppy he's had in awhile. But, that doesn't mean he wants him sticking around. He wants the puppy to go.

Justin could easily be getting the blame for all of this. The dog pretty much belongs to his dad, Jeremy. When he got her he asked Justin's fans to help name her. Now it looks like he needs to find one to take her in. How sad.

Unfortunately this isn't the first time Justin's abandoned a pet. He once abandoned a monkey in Germany, and gave a hamster away to a fan.

via Source