Harry Styles Enjoys Taylor Swift's Songs About Him, Says She's Allowed to Write About Their Relationship

Harry Styles Enjoys Taylor Swift's Songs About Him, Says She's Allowed to Write About Their Relationship

Harry Styles participated in a Google Hangout with his band One Direction and was asked about being the speculative subject of many of Taylor Swift ‘s songs on 1989.

“We write from personal experience,” the 20-year-old entertainer responded. “I think everyone does. So it would be hypocritical of us to be like, ‘Oh, you can’t write about us.’”

“She’s really good, so… they’re good songs,” Harry continued about Taylor‘s work. “So I’m really lucky in that sense.” Taylor has inferred that much of the album comes out of their relationship, which was made public back in late 2012.

Check out the entire One Direction Google Hangout below.

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