Then, suddenly, the winner is announced and your girl is still in her seat! What?! You want a full investigation and a recount and a committee hearing because clearly something went wrong.
Apparently, that happened to more than a few viewers at the Teen Choice Awards last night and they're insisting the whole thing is rigged. In fact, they even got #Teensdonthaveachoice trending on Twitter last night.
Some of the award winners also took to the social media site to reveal that they were notified of their victory six days before the show while voting was still going on.
Turns out, teens DO have a choice,'s complicated. During the show, the following disclaimer flashed up on the screen, which seems to explain the whole thing.
We've underlined the most important part:
"Winners for the Teen Choice Awards are determined using the votes cast on Votes are tabulated electronically and winners are determined based on the nominees in each category with the highest number of eligible votes. [Production company] Teenasaurus Rox reserves the right to choose the winner from the top four vote getters. The Olay Fresh Effects Breakout Star Award and Ultimate Choice Award were both chosen by Teenasaurus Rox."
Fox also had the underlined message on the Teen Choice Awards "Voting Rules" page, so they weren't actually hiding anything.
The good news is that this does allow them to notify the winners ahead of time and make sure they show up, because what would be worse: having someone from the top four get the award or not seeing your favorite celeb at all?
What do you guys think? Sound off in the comments.
via Source