Talking with Billboard magazine, the 5SOS guys gabbed about dealing with that old boy band label that they've been slapped with. How many times do they have to say they're a "band" and not the boyband variety?
Ashton Irwin explained, "Some people think, 'Oh, they're just another boy band. They'll have a thing and then disappear. But we're challenging that thought. We're so proud of the music we make - we love it - and we're fearless. If anyone puts us down, we don't care. Isn't that somewhat punk - not giving a damn what people say?"
Yep, they're guys, but a band of boys does not a boy band make. (Huh? Yeah, we even confused ourselves a little bit with that one.) We'll let Ashton sum it up: "People get confused because we're young and we have a female fan base, but so did Fall Out Boy. Pete Wentz was the Justin Bieber of 2007. Girls loved him, they obsessed over him."
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