Liam Payne has popped on Twitter again to slam haters and shed a little bit light on social media etiquette, so take note. Bottom line, don't be a douche. While you probably already knew that, Liam's recent tweets serve as a helpful reminder that it doesn't take much to just be nice to each other.
Liam tweeted: "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all tbh I don't have time for people being out right nasty for no reason..." He added, "Just because u have a twitter doesn't give u a free ticket to write horrible stuff about people..."
We're so with you, Liam. He continued: "I see it on here everyday people writing vicious things about each other wish we could all just b nice to each other and get along night x." And if you think his rant ended there, he carried it into the next day, writing: "Morning everyone please don't be sending hate to people that's never what I want to sit here and watch arguments all day so let's calm down."