Justin Bieber's Neighbors Suffer Huge Epic Fail, Call Wrong Police Department to Complain About His Raging Party

Justin Bieber's neighbors near his new, Beverly Hills condo might be rich, but that doesn't mean they're super smart. The people who live beside the Biebs reportedly called the police to complain about a loud party going down at his house over the weekend, but called the Beverly, Massachusetts po-po station instead. Epic fail?

"WRONG NUMBER: Apparently Justin Bieber had a big party last night. A citizen called Beverly Police wishing to remain anonymous this morning at 04:45 to complain about Bieber having a party at his Oakhurst home on the rooftop that was out of control. ‪#Bieberproblems‬," read an online social media post from the Beverly, Mass. Police Department. How hilarious is that?

Justin wasn't partying at the shore or anything, he was back in good ol' Cali. The Oakhurst home the caller was referring to is most likely Bieber's Beverly Hills, $27,000 a month condo.

Beverly, Mass. police told Boston.com this isn't the first time they've gotten this kind of call, either. Apparently California residents using phone providers' 411-type information services to contact Beverly Hills police have occasionally been connected to the similarly-named Massachusetts city's police department.

This isn't the first time the cops were called to Justin's new pad. Just a few weeks ago, they stopped by because the neighbors complained of loud music, and pot smoke. You know, typical Bieber problems...
