Today in celebrity gossip: Justin Bieber promotes his new selfie app the best way he can, a knife-wielding bum threatened to murder morning show host Michael Strahan, and Harry Styles is not going solo quite yet.
It's not easy starting a selfie app to compete with Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and basically every other single social media platform, especially when you're also trying to balance a singing career with hot boxing and the acquisition of terrible tattoos. Yet multi-tasking wunderkind Justin Bieber has just taught a master class in publicity generation by posting an allegedly nude selfie to his Shots profile. Here you go:

As you can see, Justin Bieber is clearly nude from the waist up. In Victorian era terms, this is as naked as it gets. In present day IRL terms, Justin Bieber pretty much just has his shirt off after doing a bunch of push-ups and everyone's titillated I guess. But the most important thing to remember is that Shots is a thing that exists and in that respect Justin Bieber has done his job. There you have it. There I have it. There we all have it. Case closed.