Harry Styles Almost Hit With Condom Balloon: Watch His Hilarious Reaction

Wait. That's not a balloon! Harry Styles was on the receiving end of a balloon-like item thrown on stage during a recent One Direction concert. Only it turned out it was a blown up condom.

Watch as Harry quickly dodges the condom balloon as it floats to him on stage - this guy has quick cat-like reflexes, doesn't he? But it's his hilarious reaction that has us watching the video over and over. Too. Cute.

Of course, he's been the target of many fan flung objects, like tampons, cell phones and shoes, so we're guessing he's prepared for just about anything to come flying his direction. Poor Niall Horan took a hit to the knee at a concert the other night and had to tell fans to cool it with the stuff they're chucking on stage.

An air filled condom though? Really?!
