Scooter Braun isn't counting on just Justin Bieber to make his bank these days. The Biebs' main man and manager has new clients on his schedule and Justin isn't impressed.
On Thursday, Scooter posted tour dates for the U.K. band Rixton on his Instagram page. Apparently unimpressed by his manager's newest project, the Biebs tweeted in response, "Another boyband yayyyyy."
Rixton is fronted by 21-year-old English soap opera actor Jake Roche, who is only one year older than Bieber. Scoots discovered the Manchester band in 2012 and they put out their first EP, "Me and My Broken Heart," last month.
We aren't surprised that Bieber is being a brat about all of this. According to previous reports, he wasn't happy when Scooter started spending a lot of time with his then clients, The Wanted (RIP). There was also talk that Justin was avoiding Scooter after his DUI arrest and that their close relationship has been fading over the years.
Scooter basically confirmed all of that talk when he admitted in November 2013 that his ability to protect Justin from himself has faded. "When I try to do that now, he's resentful, he pushes away and rebels," he told the Hollywood Reporter.
Hey, you can't blame Scooter for trying to make money elsewhere, right? We feel for Bieber too. He pretty much made Scooter a big deal. What do you think about all of this? Chime in.