Liam Payne is finally on Instagram, and Directioners are already trying to take him down.
It sounds weird, but after much anticipation, the One Direction singer founded @fakeliampayne and has posted six photos. Perhaps adding “fake” to his name is some sort of reverse psychology to hackers? NOTHING TO SEE HERE. I’M FAKE.
But handle name aside, Payne is getting quite the swell of emails telling him that people are trying to guess his password. (I already tried pa$$w0rd, 123abc and 1Dhottie93 and they don’t work. Just saving you guys some time).
Stop trying to guess my password!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My emails going crazy with junk and I need it to make u all nice music for new albums!!
“Right I’m gunna try figure this Instagram sh– out I sound like a granddad,” Payne had said last night.
That said, here are Liam’s six best Instagrams. Get it? Because there’s only six and they’re ALL the best? Sigh… I’ll get back to guessing his password now. I don’t suppose it’s iloveemilee…