Hollywood feud alert! Hollywood feud alert!!
We didn't think Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato were total BFFs, but we had no idea their relationship was this damn rocky.
Despite hearing Demi, Selena Gomez, and Taylor Swift were freezing out Mileybird, apparently it's DemDem who's got the most beef with the tongue queen.
And now, something has caused Mileybird to UNFOLLOW Demicorn on Twitter!
Now that's one big feud gauntlet to throw down, and it was returned in kind by Miz Lovato!
But that wasn't all DemDem dished up because she returned the diss with a little extra kiss…off!
Girl might've been dissed first, but she got the last laugh!
We just hope this feud doesn't get any nastier because we'd hate to see these super successful ladies hate on each other.
After all, how will our dream girl band with Demi, Miley, Selena, and Taylor ever happen if they're fighting?!