Jennifer Lawrence is always good for a quotable quote.
Sometimes she says things that make us laugh out loud--like when she confessed that her maid found some sex toys she'd hidden under the bed!
Other times, she is gracious enough to share her infinite wisdom with us--like when she recently opened up about how she stays grounded amid all the chaos that being a celebrity inevitably brings.
But the thing we love best about J.Law is that she's real...like really, REALLY real.
For example, if her stomach is giving her some trouble, she isn't shy about saying it...on national TV!
During an interview with David Letterman, the Hunger Games star opened up about her most recent medical malady. "I just had this really bad pain for like 3 weeks and you can only sh*t your pants so many times a day before you like have to go to the emergency room and you're like, 'I need to go to the hospital.'"
Since Jennifer is always so hilariously candid, sometimes it's fun just to speculate about what she would say, like in this picture.
Of course, she didn't really say that, but there are some other equally amazing things that she DID say.