One Direction on SNL December 7, Justin Timberlake December 21!

There's no shortage of One Direction appearances lately--add one more exciting announcement to the list: 1D will be on SNL on December 7.

One Direction join host Paul Rudd on the upcoming episode of Saturday Night Live and we couldn't be more excited.

Paul is one of our very favorites, so a Paul/1D show is a match made in heaven.

Remember the last time One Direction were on SNL? It seems so long ago now, but they definitely made an impression and even got a little comedy time in during the Manuel Ortiz Show sketch.

Here's hoping the guys return for another sketch!

The next three SNL show hosts and musical guest were announced and they're going to be great episodes to finish out the year--we especially are looking forward to seeing what Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake will do.

December 7: Paul Rudd and One Direction

December 14: John Goodman and Kings of Leon

December 21: Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake
