Justin Bieber 'Believe' Movie to Screen at Toronto Film Festival

Who needs a One Direction movie when there's another Justin Bieber movie coming?!

Bieber's upcoming and second flick, Believe 3D, reportedly gives fans a look into his life and backstage footage of his recent concerts. (Wonder if it'll show any footage from his breakup with Selena Gomez?!)

The highly anticipated film is set to be screened at the Toronto International Film Festival September 5-15. Might not seem like that big of a deal but the official release date of the movie hasn't been announced yet so this is awesome news for any Belieber. Justin's main man, Scooter Braun, has promised everyone that it will be super good too!

"I think we have a Christmas present for everyone this year! #thetruthwillbetold #believe," he tweeted.

We're sure Believe 3D will be as huge as a success as his first movie, Never Say Never. That documentary made over $98 million worldwide!

Are you psyched for Bieber's new movie? Are you going to check it out?
