Niall Horan Twitter Hacked: Niall Loses Followers, Fans Blocked and Unfollowed

Niall Horan's Twitter account was hacked again.

The One Direction fandom hysteria reached a fever pitch after it was discovered that Niall's Twitter was hacked.

He tweeted to confirm all the buzz, writing: "Ok my twitter is being hacked as we speak! Unfollowing people! DMin people all kinda stuff! Will get control again."

Sounds like the hacker may have tweeted that and not our Nialler.

There are plenty of theories and rumors floating about, but basically someone hacked his account, blocked and unfollowed fans, and Niall lost 60,000+ Twitter followers.

Yeah, it's pretty messed up.

While we were sorting through the tweets about what happened, we came across a TwitLonger entry that's been following Niall's hacked Twitter account recently.

We're not entirely sure who is involved with this, but you can read the TwitLonger updates to see who is reportedly responsible.

There's also buzz that a One Direction update account was involved as well, but nothing has been confirmed yet.

One fan alerted Louis Tomlinson's mom on Twitter, who responded that she had texted Niall about being hacked.

Louis' mum also tweeted: "Thank you telling us about the boys Twitter accounts / All the boys are checking their accounts."
