Man With "Taylor Swift Is With Satan" Sign Arrested at Her Pittsburgh Show

Don't ever threaten Taylor Swift online!

Just ask 28-year-old Joseph Jackson, a T-Swift man fan who was lucky enough to be at Taylor's recent Pittsburgh, Pa. show.

Not only did he go to her concert but he was was also arrested by the police right in his seat because he threatened her on Facebook prior to the concert (he also had obscene signs at the show).

"I luv you" and "Taylor Swift is With Satan" is what was on each of his signs. When police put it together that he was the guy posting threats on Facebook too, they swarmed his seat and arrested him right there at the show!

When he was arrested, Joseph reportedly told police, "Taylor Swift is Satan and that 6,000 years is six days and death comes on the sixth day, so Taylor Swift is in danger."

Police took the obscene posters he had with him and after checking him, saw he had no weapons on him. He was then reportedly taken to jail and will face a mental evaluation.

Can you say best security team ever?!

Sources have confirmed that Tay's security peeps don't take any threat towards her lightly and that they passed that information to local police in Pittsburgh, who then arrested the creepy man fan.
