Aw, poor Harry Styles. He got sick during One Direction's Pittsburgh concert, leaving the stage to deal with whatever was bringing him down.
Watch the video one fan captured, showing a close up of Harry backstage.
It's unclear if Harry threw up or was just feeling queasy or dehydrated, but he definitely took some time to gather himself during the song "Rock Me."
According to some accounts on Twitter, Harry reportedly returned to the stage later with a towel and said "Sorry bout that."
The show must go on, however, and the guys carried on, with Louis and Niall picking up for Harry.
Something's just missing without Harry in the mix though.
Bonus points to the guys for really being concerned about Harry, peeking backstage to check on him!
Watch the video below, around 3:40, you can see Harry leave the stage after "Teenage Dirtbag."