Demi Lovato Covers 'Cosmopolitan' August 2013

Demi Lovato is fierce on the August 2013 cover of Cosmopolitan magazine, on newsstands July 9!

The 20-year-old entertainer opened up to the mag about overcoming her struggles, her first job ever, and what her songs mean to her and her family. Check it:

On her first gig on Barney & Friends: “At the time, I was just so grateful to be on TV, but I was also really struggling. Looking back, there was a connection, probably between any kid who’s ever sang that song to Barney, a little place in a child’s heart, a void, that could be filled. And maybe Barney fills it. I’ve talked about being bullied and the years of being a teenager, but I went through things when I was younger that I’ve never talked about that probably caused me to turn out the way I ended up turning out.”

On the lyrics from her song “Warrior”: “My family knows what it’s about. When I’m ready to open up that subject with the outside world, then I’ll be free to talk about it. But right now, it’s kind of one of those things where the lyrics speak for me. It’s all in the song.”

On the kind of star she wants to be: “If you’re spending your entire early 20s chasing the next party, what are you running away from? That’s not a badass. What’s a badass is when you can sit through your problems and feel emotions when you don’t want to have them. There have been nights where I’ve had to sit on my hands, because I want to act out, because I physically can’t sit still in the pain I’m dealing with, from looking back and being bullied or other things that happened. And now, as hard as it may be, I will do that. That’s what makes me a badass. Being a badass is handling your sh-t.”

For more on Demi, visit!
