Emma Watson was glued to Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton reality shows as she prepared for Bling Ring role

When Emma Watson wanted to get inside the world of celebrity culture to prepare herself for a new film role she knew just where to start...

The Harry Potter star began to watch the high priestess of celebrity reality TV – Kim Kardashian.

Emma was preparing for the role of Nicki, based on a real-life trashy LA youngster obsessed with the showy and superficial world of celebrity culture.

Nicki is one of the real-life group of teenagers who burgled and ransacked the homes of their favourite celebrities – including Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Megan Fox – in 2008-9,

And Kim Kardashian, along with Paris Hilton, provided the perfect material for her study of celebrity culture.

“I watched a lot of reality TV and material with Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton and some of the girls from The Hills,” says Emma, “and gradually put together this picture of who Nicki was and what her psychology was like.

“Coming from England, I’m not accustomed to the club scene in Los Angeles or the kind of celebrity culture my character was obsessed with.

“Even the clothes my character wears in the film were a bit shocking, but it was a really great experience for me.

“I was studying at the time so I found myself in this bizarre situation where I was switching from reading Virginia Woolf to watching Kim Kardashian!’ she laughs.

“But in some ways I loved that contradiction and immersing myself in this mix of super-high and super-low culture.”

So is she a reality TV fan?

“It’s a very interesting phenomenon,” she says. “Reality TV stars are a new and very different breed of actors and actresses.

"Many people thought the whole reality TV trend would fade away but it seems to be just as popular as ever. It’s a strange thing.”

Maybe those hours spent watching the Kardashians revelling in their celebrity is what finally convinced the actress to start enjoying her own.

The British beauty has been internationally famous from the age of 11 and while her success has brought a £26million bank balance, she’s never been comfortable with fame, finding it completely alien.

Kissing student boyfriend Will Adamowicz at the Coachella music festival, in California, last year she expressed surprise and horror when pictures of the passionate embrace emerged.

But now she says she’s finally coming to terms with fame – with a recent watershed moment being the MTV awards.

In a stylish, and understatedly sexy, cut-out halterneck dress, the Harry Potter star and her beau sat front row at the bash in LA surrounded by fellow A-listers like Brad Pitt, Selena Gomez and Bradley Cooper.

The fine-looking couple seemed relaxed, if a little sheepish, but then they did have the eyes of the world on them.

“For a long time I tried to pretend that I wasn’t really famous and I would try to live as if that were the case,” she says.

“Of course, you very quickly discover that that’s not and you have to learn to adjust your life accordingly. But now I’m quite comfortable with it – I just have to be careful!

“Sometimes I forget. Sometimes I decide to go for a walk in Central Park on my own and there’ll suddenly be a group of 50 tourists.

"And I’m just like, uh? Of course, I can’t just go to certain places and hang around too long before people start noticing you and you start signing autographs and soon a crowd gathers around.

“I’m used to that, though, and I’ve learnt to accept that. I try not to let myself feel trapped and I will still go out with friends as often as I can. I’ve never known it any other way. And I want to live as normally as possible.”

A world away from Harry Potter, The Bling Ring, directed by Sofia Coppola, is an opportunity Emma clearly relished.

She says: “It’s fun to explore a different side of yourself through a character.It gave me permission to do loads of crazy stuff.

"I wanted to try to understand how she saw herself and why she was do drawn to celebrity culture.

“Sofia and I were trying to strike a balance between being funny and entertaining and still being conscious of presenting Nicki as a real person. I also learned a lot as an actress from playing a character that is so different from me and finding a way inside her psychology.”

Her character Nicki is based upon Alexis Neiers who pleaded guilty to burglary charges and was sentenced to 180 days in jail, with three years’ probation for the gang’s exploits.

Just a few days ago she tweeted Emma saying: “Break a leg in Cannes! And no hard feelings about making fun of me. ;)”

The former Hermione Granger credits her parents with helping her handle growing up in the media glare. Born in Paris and brought up in Oxfordshire, she says her family keep her feet firmly on the ground.

That plus her decision to study for a degree in European history and drama at Brown University, Rhode Island in the US, where she met Will.

“When you’re making big movies and being chauffeured everywhere that’s a very strange and isolating kind of life,” she says.

“I’ve tried to live as normally as I can, attending university and creating a life away from my film career.

"Going to university enabled me to define my identity apart from my work and all the attention.

"I enjoyed being treated like everyone else and meeting people who have no interest in celebrities or films or anything like that.

“You also need to live and be part of the real world if you’re going to grow as an individual and add layers to your work as an actress.”

Since Harry Potter drew to a close in 2010, she’s been toting textbooks rather than movie scripts. But the work has kept coming.

As well as modelling for Burberry and Dior, she’s emerging as a serious character actress with roles in My Week With Marilyn and The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Without doubt, this latest role has been an important one for Emma, who admits to a crisis of confidence after Harry Potter finished.

“It’s called the impostor syndrome. I’m just going: ‘Any moment, someone’s going to find out I’m a total fraud.’ I can’t possibly live up to what everyone thinks I am .”

But right now she’s just happy to be working. “I’m glad that a film like this will help more people see me in a new light. I hope that journey is going to lead to good things.”
