Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas Wrote Songs for 'Demi' Album?

Anyone hoping for a Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas collaboration--it almost happened. In fact, Demi and Nick wrote songs together for her album!

In an interview with Kiss Kiss Italia, Demi talks about her new album...and Nick.

Listen around 3:30 in the video, where she's asked about Nick.

Demi explained, "Yeah, we had written songs together, unfortunately, they didn't make the album."

She added, "But we love writing together. I have such a good time in the studio with him, just like literally messing around on the keyboard or guitar or whatever."

Demi noted, "When we're together, we have a really, really awesome bond musically and we're just spitting out songs right and left."

She does say maybe the songs will go to other artists or "something in the future."

We have got to hear those songs!

Demi calls the new album her "best one" (though we have to wonder if it would be even better with a duet with Nick!).

She also explained that writing about personal is experiences "is like therapy for me."

Anyone else bummed that the Nick/Demi songs didn't make the cut?
