One Direction may be living up life on the road, but there's one solid rule they have to follow: no hooking up with groupies.
It seems management wants to keep their reputation as shiny as possible.
It can't be easy with all the female attention and affection they get, plus the 1D guys are so attentive to their fans...but apparently they can never, ever let it go beyond that.
Star magazine (via Sugarscape.com) reports that One Direction management doesn't want the boys participating in any extracurricular activities with their excitable fans.
An insider tells Star, "The lads have been told in no uncertain terms that they need to guard against being prey for groupies."
The source added, "They've been told jokingly to keep it in their pants--but there is a serious message there, too. The last thing anyone wants is for One Direction to be accused of taking advantage of fans, or being labeled as sleazebags."
To minimize any rule breaking, the source notes, "They will be chaperoned at all times and there will be maximum security to ensure there is no funny business."