One Direction Flash Mob Video: Spreading Message of Acceptance for Anti-Bullying Day

Watch this cool anti-bullying message, a flash mob choreographed to One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful."

The YouTube video got a bump from 1D's Harry Styles, who tweeted: "Holy Jesus. SICCCKKKKK" and Liam Payne, who shared the video on twitter as well, writing: "brilliant flash mob :)"

We couldn't agree more.

More than 18,00 students in Vancouver, British Columbia wore pink "Acceptance" t-shirts as they performed the flash mob routine during a Vancouver Giants game.

The students and the Vancouver Giants worked together to promote Anti-Bullying Day, or Pink Shirt Day, with the hockey players wearing pink laces.

Anti-bullying day is February 27, 2013, but we love this message of acceptance for every day.
