Justin Bieber Grabs Fan's Boob at Meet and Greet?

We aren't sure what to think about this one...

While browsing the net we happened to see a pic of a Justin Bieber fan who got to meet the Biebs at one of his recent Florida shows.

The picture, taken at the meet and greet, shows Justin posing for a pic with his fan...while kissing her on the cheek and grabbing her boob too!

We aren't sure if the picture was Photoshopped, is really a cutout, or for-real but one thing is for sure, it's creepy!

The photo was posted on his fan club's official website so we're thinking it's legit...yikes!

With his recent rumored jerk stunts, smoking weed and drinking, we wouldn't be too surprised if he did go in for a feel during a fan meeting...

What do you guys think?
