Jonas Brothers photographer Rob Hoffman has attacked Taylor Swift in an online blog, calling for her fans to realise that she’s not a good role model.
He posted 'How many break-ups is it going to take for you girls to realize that Taylor Swift isn’t a good role model unless your dream in life is to die alone? And if you’re going to defend her for her music, let me tell you now that saying you believe in any of Taylor Swift’s lyrics is like saying you trust your accountant because he’s been accused of tax evasion nine times.'
Rob also went to criticise her physically, saying ‘Am I the only one who has noticed that her odd triangular face, lanky body, and long arms make her resemble a praying mantis; a species whose females bite the head off their male counterparts after sex?’
We know that everyone’s entitled to an opinion, but seriously… personal attacks seem pretty unnecessary!
Given that Taylor dated Joe Jonas back in the day, do you think that any of these opinions have come from him?