Perrie Edwards poses in front of a very tall Christmas Tree in this new Twitter picture.
The 19-year-old Little Mix singer’s boyfriend Zayn Malik posted the picture.
“Perrie just finished decorating the tree I didn’t really help :( ha sorry x,” Zayn wrote.
Looks like Perrie has been really decking the halls in her own home.
“Just bought a light up polar bear for the house and Hatchi seems to like snuggling up to it! #socute Perrie <3 a="a" band="band" href="http://www.justjaredjr.com/2012/12/23/zayn-malik-perrie-edwards-lights-up-the-christmas-tree/" official="official" on="on" s="s" she="she" the="the" twitter.="twitter." wrote="wrote">Source3>