Grab your Santa hats and candy canes, and press play on Take Me Home because it's time to get Christmassy with One Direction. With Christmas just a few short days away, all of us Directioners have a few gift ideas for MTV's Best Artists of 2012. But these aren't the usual knitted hat and mittens set or traditional fruitcake gift. 1D fans know their favorite boy band by heart, so they told MTV News exactly what their guy of choice would get.
"I would give a gift to Harry Styles and I would get him toothpaste because he said he likes it," Sophia Cianciulli said before the guys' sold-out Madison Square Garden show earlier this month. Toothpaste? Seems a little odd, so Sophia tacked on another idea. "And a cat."
Other Directioners had a similar pet idea. There's no better way to a man's heart than with man's best friend.
"They all want a dog... for the bus and stuff," Alexa Stulianou blurted out confidently, with pal Julissa Tejedn knowledgably finishing her thought, "But their tour manager won't let them."
"But I'd get them a puppy," Alexa said. "I'd get Louis one especially."
Anna Gardner agreed with Sophia, and in a feline frenzy, responded, "I would give Harry a cat!"
Some fans thought it would be better to give a more practical gift to One Direction — the gift of sustenance.
"I would probably give Niall, uh, food," Tricia Stocker giggled. Jenna Masciantonio echoed her, "I would give something to Niall as well, probably food-related." And Tori Schepis proclaimed that Niall would appreciate that gift the most.
And if Directioners are seriously considering playing Santa with 1D, then it looks like Niall might be getting the most under the tree.
"I would probably give Niall a Christmas present," Erin Moore said. "And I think we should get matching onsies." You know, those delightful head-to-toe garments they sell at 1D World?
Alana Pettus wanted to gift Zayn with hairspray, probably because he uses a ton of it for his perfectly fashioned, skunk-striped 'do. But the best gift idea came with Ana Worthingston.
"I would get Louis Lamborghinis and Rolex watches because everyone else gives him carrots," she said.
We're guessing only the truest Directioners know about the carrots, but fancy cars and watches: Louis would approve.